Don’t under estimate the power of your mind

Table of Contents

In this article, we examine the power of the human mind and that mental power goes back to the way the hemispheres of the brain function. This discussion is about ways to boost memory and the brain. As you know, the human brain is made up of two hemispheres, the left and the right, each of which is related to specific human actions. At the same time, the right hemisphere of the brain is connected to rhythm, color, daydreaming, image and environmental communication.

Power of mind

In the discussion of the power of the human mind, it has recently been proven that neither the left hemisphere of the brain is purely analytical nor the right hemisphere of the brain is strictly creative, innovative and emotional. Based on much research, we now know that the hemispheres of the brain must work together to demonstrate the power of the human mind and successfully perform the process of analysis and creativity. They combined imagination and visualization to create masterpieces that illustrate the power of human thought.


Brain Vulnerability

Many scientists and researchers believe that just as the body’s organs are affected by the brain, the opposite is true, meaning that our brains can also be affected by behaviors and bodily functions. That’s why they say we need to exercise for brain health.


Neurotransmitters affect our brain, so different factors affect our mental strength. For example, healthy foods are beneficial for increasing our concentration and cognitive control, and harmful foods can affect Health. The power of our minds has devastating effects.


But when you can increase the power of the mind by training, you will get excellent results. For example, the :


You can focus and make better decisions.

You can more easily find better solutions to your problems and issues.

You do not get depressed, and you live a happy life.

You can put essential issues in your mind more easily

Your self-confidence will increase dramatically

Let’s now examine what the power of the human mind is.


What is the power of the mind?

“You have to make sure your biggest enemy is not hidden in your ears,” says Lord Hamilton, one of the world’s greatest athletes. So when we pay more attention to this sentence, we realize that our mind can become one of our more dangerous enemies or even one of our best friends that makes us successful in work. All stages of life, which can be Comfort, strengthen the power of human thought.


With this in mind, you may wonder when our enemy is and when he is guiding us? That’s why you have to learn how to strengthen our human mind and make our lives better and more beautiful with the help of training.


What is a mind map?


Since ancient times, many people have used images to organize their work and better understand information. However, with the advancement of man, the use of visual elements also changed. Eventually, a form of it called the mind map was created by Mr Tony Buzan, which is very useful for remembering and doing things.


However, mind mapping is a compelling graphic method that can easily organize the power of your mind and make you successful in life. With these interpretations, if you think of your mind as a vast safe with high security, a Mind map can be the key to your entry and exit to this safe.


You can use this powerful tool in organizing thoughts and ideas, decision making, challenge solving, goal setting and planning, prioritization, speech and و and see how much this tool can increase human thinking power, Dad.


Since the mind map is a visual tool, it is better to learn how to use it because the elements used in it are used based on their importance and value and are divided into different branches and sub-branches. Which eventually boosts memory, increases concentration, and can even be used as a note-taking method to speed up reading or brainstorming.


So you can easily hierarchically record your work with the help of mind map branches, as well as quick close and expand it. For the mind map to be more orderly, it is better not to divide it into more than seven main branches.




How to properly use the power of the human mind

Power of mind

One of the methods that can be used to increase productivity up to 5 times by using the knowledge of the brain is mind maps, which are known as oral short-term memory enhancement. In the traditional way of memorizing information, getting ready for written or verbal communication, analyzing planning issues or creative thinking, the focus was on linear pointing. Still, this method was due to the lack of color and image and environmental relationships of creativity.




The reason for the superiority of the mind map

Power of mind

When using mind maps, you use all the mental capabilities. Placing an image in the middle of the page makes it easier to memorize the content. Then, by creating branches around this image, a network of Related titles are created that reflect mentalities

is considered. This method strengthens the memory and power of the human mind. Instead of an incomplete list, countless ideas can be made.




Mind map and speed reading

Correct reading principles are to map the mind with new techniques and speed reading methods. This speed reading training is one of the ways to increase concentration and the possibility of increasing the reading speed to 1000 words per minute along with total comprehension by focusing the mind. It makes it possible and ultimately leads to an increase in the rate of reading 10,000 words per minute; combined with this method, the power of the human mind can be flourished.


Studying at such a high speed along with detailed mind maps that summarize the contents of a book and the exchange of information that this mind map can do enables one to read a giant book related to the field in one day. It is his job to study and summarize its contents.




Mind map results

Power of mind

These techniques have recently been used in large multinational corporations such as digital computer companies and Nisco.


In one of these cases, 120 senior managers are divided into four groups. Each member of the sub-group reads a book for two hours, using practical speed reading exercises and increasing the field of vision. After two hours, the members of each group discuss the book’s contents. One person from each group is then selected to give a comprehensive talk to the other three groups about the book they have read.


This is done four times. Eventually, each of the 120 senior executives leaves the short course, learning the new information in the four different books in a short time and analyzing it. Merge and finally mind.


Recently, a Mexican family used this method for their three children, 6 to 15 years old. Within two months, they became elite students who could learn things in just two days and remember being students. Regular people should know within a year.


History of mind map


Reminiscence techniques were first invented by the Greeks to demonstrate skill. But we now know that these methods are entirely based on how the brain works and, if used well, can dramatically increase a person’s memory.


This technique requires communication and imagination to create a stimulating, sensory and colorful image and thus an unforgettable one in mind. This technique is currently used at the IBM Training Center in Stockholm. It plays a significant role in the success of training courses, and they also use these techniques in their studies.


Mental images should have the following features:

Creative ideas must be used in this memory enhancement tool.


  • They must be very large or very dense.
  •  They must be used irrelevant.
  •  They should be used humorously.
  •  They must be mobile.
  • They must be coloured.
  • They must be related.
  • They must be seen in the mind.


Oblivion after learning is shared. After a one-hour training session, there is a short time to recall what has been learned as the brain analyzes and integrates new information. After this short period, and usually, 24 hours after the training, there is a sharp decline in data recall, so 80% of what is learned is forgotten.


Therefore, what is learned in a three-day training course is forgotten one to two weeks later. Learning and understanding how memory works make it possible to improve the quality of training and how people deliver information. When are people asked what happens to human brain cells as they age? It is often said with false excitement that it disappears.


However, one of the most exciting points from Dr. (Marian Diamond)’s recent research on the brain proves that there is naturally no reason for the loss of brain cells with age, especially in the case of active brains. And it is not healthy.


Exercises to increase the power of the human mind



  1. Learn creative techniques.
  2. Use tables and mind games.
  3. Use your non-dominant hand in writing, brushing, eating and combing و.
  4. Do not be satisfied with one answer.
  5. Reverse the facts. Ask yourself: What if…
  6. Learn logic. Solve logical puzzles.
  7. Paint.
  8. Think positive.
  9. Do several things at once.
  10. Eat foods suitable for the brain, such as walnuts, almonds, toast, green tea, etc.
  11. Do daily exercises.
  12. Drink plenty of water.
  13. Do deep breathing exercises.
  14. Laugh.
  15. Sleep well and get enough rest.
  16. Listen to music.
  17. Reduce your dependence on technology.
  18. Keep your inner child alive.
  19. Learn a foreign language.
  20. Learn to read fast.
  21. Be friends with math.
  22. Strengthen your focus.
  23. Commit to lifelong learning.
  24. Be curious and challenge yourself.
  25. Increase your vocabulary.
  26. Have time management.
  27. Manage your stress.
  28. Plan to do your daily chores.
  29. Use brainstorming to solve your problems.

By doing the above exercises, you can create a balance between the two hemispheres of your brain, increase the productivity and power of the human mind, and achieve significant success in life and your business. We also suggest you read the articles related to speed reading on the Mahan Teymouri site to understand better how to use a mind map.